Sunday 18 September 2016

Textual Analysis

TV Dramas
A TV Drama is a type of television programme that has a range of episodes which are usually 30 minutes long per episode. These programmes are usually fictional.
These TV Dramas have different genres within them. For example: Horror and Fantasy.

List of TV Dramas

The Walking Dead

Once upon a Time
American Horror Story
Game of Thrones
The Vampire Diaries
The Originals

Reality Dramas
Coronation Street
The Bill
Holby City

Pretty Little Liars
Gossip Girl
The Only Fools and Horses
Keeping up the the Kardashians
The Big Bang Theory

TV Dramas exist purely for entertainment and escapism. There are many different types of TV Dramas to appeal to a multitude of audiences. Many people may not like reality dramas and may like non-fiction which is why there are so many non-fiction dramas and vice-versa. 

Codes and conventions (add this to the textual analysis section of the blog)
Code: A system of signs which can be decoded to create meaning.
In media texts, we look at a range of different signs that can be loosely grouped into the following:
technical codes - all to do with the way a text is technically constructed - camera angles, framing, typography etc
verbal codes - everything to do with language -either written or spoken
symbolic codes - codes that can be decoded on a mainly connotational level - all the things which draw upon our experience and understanding of other media texts, our cultural frame of reference.
codes can create feelings to the audience through effects and techniques, for example rain in a film and a woman looking upset can make the audience feel bad for the woman and be emotional.
Is what you would expect to see in a certain genre, for example: in a fantasy genre film you would expect to see maybe unicorns, demons, hero's/villians, strange settings, basically things that are fictional and unreal in our world.
The codes and conventions in media can be separated into 3 groups
Technical (e.g camera angles, movements & shots),
Symbolic (e.g clothing, colours)
Written and audio (music etc).
These three distinct groups give the text meaning and determine the response of the 

Skins - 
The overall tone of Skins is presented as Comical and Informal. There are many examples of comedic value within the clip watched. For example: there are a few short moments of comedy like the Police Officer falling into the back of the truck or the Ice Cream getting knocked onto his lap. The comedy of this programme would present the target audience of the programme which is Young Adults/Teenagers. 

The style of the programme is realistic as it uses codes and conventions that would be present in our everyday lives. The Mise En Scene is realistic in this case. For Example: The talk of College and the Car Accident present in the scene. These types of things happen in our everyday lives and therefore allows the audience to feel a connection to the programme. 

There seems to be a limited range of nationalities and ethnicities in this programme. The characters we see on the streets and the actors seem to all be of a White British ethnicity. This may hint towards the society within Skins. 

Many of the Characters are presented stereotypically. Like the young male characters, the young and old females and the business workers. The stereotypical males are presented as young carefree teenagers. The teenagers seem to be very rebellious and independent. This is shown with the underage drinking, drug use and their attitude towards women. All of the young males act in a very objectifying way towards the young female in the car. They talk about her visual appearance and characteristics in what could be conceived in a disrespectful way. The older women acts in a way which again follows the elderly woman stereotype. She acts in a clueless, innocent way when she is getting attacked by the business man. However, the younger woman acts in a completely different way. They act similarly to the teenage males, rebellious and possibly destructive. She also acts in a sexual way by the way she acts, things she does and the way she dresses. Her appearance is quite revealing and suggestive. Both the women were presented in a completely different way where as the males were presented in the same way: Violent, aggressive and self-destructive. One of the younger males doesn't act in this manor however. He acts as the stereotypical nerd, very smart and doesn't do anything which would harm him. Despite this, he does treat women in the same manor.

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